The dangers of Christmas!

December 1, 2022

We all love treats at Christmas and the temptation to snaffle a chocolate (or 17) can sometimes be too much for your dog if they’re left within reach.

Last Christmas Eve we saw an unprecedented number of dogs who had consumed chocolate and in who we had to induce vomiting to ensure they did not consume the toxins and develop complications. It’s not the family Christmas Eve you imagined!

Please keep chocolate, Christmas cake & mince pies (and anything else containing raisins), stuffing (and anything else containing onions or garlic), sweets (that may contain the sugar substitute Xylitol) and cooked meat bones ALL out of your dogs reach – including wrapped under the tree – to save any unnecessary trips to see us over the festive period!

Now that your dog is safe, what about your cat? Cats love playing with string, tinsel and fancy wrapping ribbons. Be careful that they are not ingesting any as it can cause problems if trapped inside the intestines, sometimes resulting in surgery.

Amaryllis, Poinsettias, Holly berries, Mistletoe and Yew are all irritants and potentially toxic to your pets if digested, with the most common signs including drooling, mouth sores, vomiting and diarrhoea. Even drinking the water from the base of your Christmas tree can cause these signs, especially if preservatives and fertilizers are used. If necessary, wrap the base of your tree so your pet cannot get access.

Now, with all that danger safely out the way, we’d like to wish you all a very merry Christmas!

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