Scam Warning
February 28, 2025
We have received numerous reports of scammers operating in the local area, claiming to be Larkmead Vets. They are asking people for small payments over the phone to update a pet’s microchip details, to release a lost pet or start an urgently needed operation. Please note that we will never ask you for money over the phone for these types of things – if our Team do call you, it will come up as one of our main numbers on caller ID (01235 814991 or 01491 651379) and you are welcome to call us back independently to confirm if you are not sure. Always find the number for the business you are trying to call independently; do not use the number anyone may give you on one of these calls and ensure the phone has been disconnected properly from the previous call, or call us from a different phone.
If your pet is sadly missing, it is worth visiting and following the guidance rather than advertising your personal number online (there is a small charge for their number protection service). You can contact your microchip company yourself to make sure your contact details are up-to-date and register your pet as missing – most pets are reunited using this data. If you are not sure which chip company you are registered with, entering the chip number at can tell you which company to contact.