Caring for Puppies & Kittens

Congratulations on welcoming your new puppy or kitten into your home!

Our vets and veterinary nurses have decades of experience between them when it comes to caring for puppies and kittens. You can rest assured that your new bundle of joy will receive a first-class service and lots of love and attention here with us at Larkmead Vets.

We look forward to being there for them, and you, as they grow into young adults.

Register your puppy or kitten with us


Your first vet visit

At your puppy or kitten’s first visit, you will get to know your vet. We do our best to ensure you can see the same vet at every visit, so they can provide personalised care as your pet grows.

Your vet will do a thorough health check and record your pet’s weight to ensure they are growing at a healthy rate. Your vet will also talk to you about what your puppy or kitten needs next in terms of vaccinations and flea & worm treatments and administer anything needed at this appointment.

They can also answer your questions and talk to you about neutering and other forms of preventative care.


Join our Lifetime Care Club

This age is a wonderful time for your new puppy or kitten to be enrolled in our Lifetime Care Club as you will both receive the benefits at the start of their adventures. Our Lifetime Care Club is a great way to spread the cost and save money on routine vaccinations and flea & worm treatments, and get discounts on neutering and other pet care services.

Discover more about our Lifetime Care Club


Pet Insurance

As vets, we see pet insurance as a means for pet owners to budget for the unexpected, and if the worst happens, it enables our vets to carry out the most effective treatment, increasing the likelihood of recovery and a better quality of life for your pet.

At Larkmead we partner with Pet Proactive to provide a new approach to pet insurance for dogs and cats which directly benefits Larkmead clients.

Find out more about pet insurance


Puppy parties at Larkmead Vets

We offer puppy parties at our Cholsey and Great Western Park vet practices.

Puppy parties are an opportunity for your puppy to meet and socialise with other dogs of a similar age at this vital stage of their development. You will be given tips on behaviour, socialisation, and toilet training, with plenty of opportunity to ask questions.

During the hour, your pup will visit one of our consultation rooms and our team will explain what happens during a routine veterinary visit. This opportunity to visit the vets and get used the smell and relax in the environment can be very beneficial to future visits. It can make visiting the vets far less stressful when your puppy feels unwell, and help prevent any fearful behaviour from developing.

Larkmead’s Puppy Parties are usually held:

  • Cholsey: 1st Tuesday of the month – 7.30pm
  • Great Western Park: 2nd & 3rd Tuesday of the month – 7pm


You must book your place in advance – puppy parties are for puppies who are between their 1st and 2nd vaccinations so your puppy must have had their 1st vaccinations and be in good health. There is no charge for puppy parties.

You are welcome to bring family members (including supervised children).

Please give our Reception Team a call to book your place on 01235 814991 / 01491 651379.



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