We hope you enjoy reading our pet care news articles. You can receive our newsletters by email when you,
We are excited to announce our new partnership with Pet Proactive pet insurance which directly benefits Larkmead customers.
Hypertension or high blood pressure can affect many older cats without causing obvious clinical signs. Any cat over the age of 7 may be affected – read more . . .
The Larkmead team is pretty unique in that we have a lot of skills in-house that other vets may need to refer patients to specialist vets for – read more . . .
Brachycephalic or ‘flat-faced’ dogs are popular family pets that include Pugs, English Bulldogs and French Bulldogs – read more . . .
Did you know you can talk to one of vets from the comfort of home – find out more . . .
Did you know our nurses offer support clinics at our main branches for a variety of issues – find out more . . .
We all love treats at Christmas and the temptation to snaffle a chocolate (or 17) can sometimes be too much for your dog if they’re left within reach.
Generally, pets are classed as senior once they reach 7-8 years old, although it can be earlier for some breeds.
Like it or loathe it, the fireworks season is nearly with us once more and as we know, is not just confined to November 5th.
Looking after your pet’s teeth can help prevent dental problems which can be very painful and unpleasant.