Join our Farm Clubs

At Larkmead Farm Vets, we offer the below clubs and groups:


Flock Health Club

Join our Flock Health Club and connect with other enthusiastic sheep farmers and shepherds to share ideas and knowledge. Club members also receive regular email updates on items of interest e.g. local disease patterns, upcoming NSA meetings in the area, new developments in the field of sheep husbandry.

Find out more – Flock Health Club


Grazing Group

This free-of-charge multi-species group (with dairy, beef, sheep and goat farmers) meets three times a year for farm walks and knowledge exchange sessions.

Find out more – Grazing Group


Suckler Health Club

Our Suckler Herd Health Club is designed to bring local farms together to share knowledge and experience while also supplying discount to those who are investing in diagnostic testing and vet time to improve their productivity and efficiency.

Find out more – Suckler Health Club


Smallholders Club

All smallholders are welcome to join our Smallholders Club and reap the benefits of being part of this group, which include advice from our farm team and connecting with other local smallholders.

Find out more – Smallholders Club


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