Ellen Similon

Ellen Similon MRCVS, DVM, GPCert(FeIP)

Hello! I’m Ellen and I am a Senior Small Animal Vet at Larkmead. I studied at the University of Ghent, Belgium, and graduated in 2002. Straight after qualifying, I came to the UK. In 2021, I became a team member of the fantastic Larkmead Veterinary family.

Although I love all aspects of my job, my main interests are Dentistry as well as Internal Medicine. With a strong bias to our feline geriatric friends. I am really proud to have an ESVPS General practitioners’ certificate in Feline Medicine and Surgery.

The best part of the job for me is the holistic approach of looking after the longevity of our 4-legged friends, without losing sight of quality of life and working with their owners to the best possible outcome.

At home I have a little black cat called Twist and 2 happy hens, Rosemary and Thyme. In my free time, I enjoy travelling, hiking and exploring the UK or abroad. I love immersing myself in art such as music, comedy, film, paintings and sculpture as well as enjoying both cooking and eating. I also like keeping fit to help with the latter.

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