Flock Health Club

A healthy flock is a productive flock, and at Larkmead Farm Vets in Cholsey we are committed to helping you keep your sheep well.

Membership of our Flock Health Club will put you in contact with other enthusiastic sheep farmers and shepherds, with the opportunity to share ideas and knowledge, and visit each other’s farms.

Club members also receive regular emails with updates on items of interest e.g. local disease patterns, upcoming NSA meetings in the area, new developments in the field of sheep husbandry. Opportunities to participate in research projects (which often results in useful information for the farm in question as well as the industry as a whole) are also offered.


Join our Flock Health Club to benefit from:

  • 3 free vet visits per year for flock health purposes (vet time still chargeable)
  • 3 exclusive group discussion meetings per year on topical issues
  • 50% off all paid workshops
  • 10% discount on the following services:
    • Health Plans
    • Ram BSE
    • In-House FWECs
    • Post-mortems
    • Vasectomies
    • Ration checks
    • Chargeable Vet time spent on flock health related activities (blood sampling, health plans, etc)


If you are interested in joining or would like further information, please contact the Farm Office on 01491 651479.

Please note that veterinary services are subject to VAT, membership fees include VAT.

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